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Distilled Magazine
Client: Single Minded

GO-CALC Greenhouse Gas Online Calculator Website
Client: Government of Ontario | OSCIA

Wayfinding and principal signage
Client: National Gallery of Canada

“Berman Corner” for people who can’t see
Client: our future better civilization

Accessibility course promotional posters
Client: Carleton University

The Web Index 2013 accessibility audits
Client: World Wide Web Foundation

50th anniversary poster

Inter Pares identity and publications
Client: Inter Pares

Inter Pares 2011 Annual Report
Client: Inter Pares

The Counselling Group brand strategy and applications
Client: Jewish Family Services Ottawa

Do Good Design
Client: Pearson/Peachpit Press/AIGA

AODA-compliant course outlines
Client: St. Lawrence College

Strategy for public-facing Web presence
Client: Veterans Affairs Canada

Branding, social media, and web
Client: Regiment Captal

“Employers’ Toolkit: Making Ontario Workplaces Accessible”
Client: The Conference Board of Canada

Canada-Ontario Environmental Farm Plan
Client: OSCIA

“Growing Your Farm Profits” workshop and instructional design
Client: OSCIA

Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Renewal and Redesign
Client: Ottawa Jewish Bulletin

Web strategy, facilitation, information design, RFP consulting
Client: Canada Council for the Arts

Culturescope.ca brand book
Client: Department of Canadian Heritage

Communications Audit for Parliament Hill Publications / Branding
Client: Library of Parliament

Branding Consultation
Client: International Space Station

Branding, monument typography
Client: Canadian Tribute to Human Rights

Wheel Of Conscience (Studio Daniel Libeskind)
Client: Libeskind Studio

Second hand smoke campaign
Client: Health Canada

Culture.ca branding, type design, Web strategy
Client: Department of Canadian Heritage

Ministerial backdrop and podium signage
Client: Emergency Preparedness Canada | Justice Canada | Public Safety Canada

OJCEC Fundraising Campaign
Client: OJCEC

For Better Or For Worse typeface
Client: Lynn Johnston

Inter Pares 2010 Annual Report
Client: Inter Pares

“So Near, And Yet So Far”
Client: Jewish Youth Library

Business Development for Farm Businesses Program forms design
Client: OSCIA

National and Regional Branding
Client: Sierra Club of Canada

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Client: Government of Canada

“Growing Your Farm Profits” fillable PDF forms
Client: OSCIA

Airport security signage and design
Client: CATSA

Designing Change
Client: HOW Magazine

Inter Pares 2009 Annual Report
Client: Inter Pares

HRCS branding, Web site, booth, brochure
Client: Treasury Board of Canada

Partners in Health
Client: Health Canada
- Topics
- accessibility/universal design
- agriculture
- airport signage
- annual report
- article
- audio
- book
- brochure
- CD
- consulting
- education
- environmental graphics
- forms
- fundraising
- human rights
- infographics
- MS St. Louis
- plain language
- postcard
- poster
- signage
- social responsibility
- typography
- video
- workbook