Day View

Many TimeTo™ users spend more time with the Day View (Ctrl+S) than any other view in TimeTo™. This view (and the Multiple Day views which share these properties) are packed with information about your schedule, so let's take a tour of what all that information means. If you find the view overwhelming, you can simplify it, by either viewing in Light mode or by choosing to turn off various aspects of the views through the choices available to you in Other Settings.


Window Frame of View

The top frame of all day and multiple day view windows shows the current time of day (including ticking seconds), the current date, and an asterisk if schedule changes have not yet been saved. "FILTERS ON" appears to the right of these other elements if the Filters window is open, as a reminder that you are only seeing those items which qualify to pass through the Filters.

Top Row of View

All day and multiple day views display the day of week and date in the top left corner. You can modify the font, style, size and script for the day of week and date heading by choosing the Day Views Heading Font command in the Screen Fonts submenu of Fonts Settings. More dynamically, you can change this font size temporarily while viewing a day view by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons on the toolbar.

The day of week and date will appear in a special colour if the date is special: green if a work holiday, or a special color if the day includes any Label 7 items.

A graphic indicating the phase of the moon (if enabled in Other Settings) appears directly to the right of the date. (The rotation direction of the waxing or waning of the moon is determined by whether the country specified in your Regional Settings in Windows are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.)

Schedule Statistics

A row of schedule statistics (pro mode only, if enabled in Show Schedule Statistics from Other Settings) appears directly to the right of the moon phase, and includes, from left to right:

For today or future days, this information also appears:

For days in the past, "x items to do" also appears, if there are undone items on the day.


Items List

Each row of the list of items in the day view shows one item. You may find viewing the list is enhanced by choosing to Shade Every Second Row in Other Settings: this causes the background of every second undone item to be tinted (otherwise the backgrounds of undone items are white). Done items have a different background color (as set in Colors Settings from the Settings menu) or do not appear at all if Hide Done Items is checked in Other Settings or on the View menu.

If you have checked the Use More Vertical Space As Duration Rises checkbox in Other Settings, then items (and gaps) of greater duration occupy more vertical space on the view than items of shorter durations.

Item Details

Each row on the list provides information about one item (or gap between items). Here is the information which appears for each item (from left to right):

The leftmost column shows the begin time of the item. The time is more prominent if the item has a fixed start time. (The begin time may not appear if the Show Begin Time On Undone Items setting or the Show Begin Time On Done Items setting is unchecked in Other Settings). If the item is a memo item, the begin time is replaced by the word "memo". If the item is a hope, the begin time is replaced by the word "hope". Begin times of undone items that are in the past, are in conflict, or are outside your day bounds with other items appear in red (to warn you that your schedule is currently unworkable).

If you have not checked the Use More Vertical Space As Duration Rises checkbox in Other Settings, then a black dot appears to right of the time of day of each item or gap listed: the larger the dot, the longer the duration of the item or gap. (pro mode only)

If you have Expected Returns Active checked in Other Settings, a green rectangle appears in the next position if the item has an Expected Return. The saturation of green indicates the relative Expected Return/Hour of the item: the higher the expected return, the darker the color; to reach the fullest green the Expected Return/Hour must be at least four times your Hourly Rate (as set in Value of Time Settings). (If you have not set an Hourly Rate, the scale is based on an hourly rate of 100.) (pro mode only)

In the column preceding the title column, a black-outlined rectangle filled with the color of the Project the item is assigned to appears (if the item's Project is "none", the rectangle is white). You can click on the rectangle to view an alphabetical list of the first 100 projects on your Projects List and also change the project assignment for the item directly. If you press a keyboard letter or numeral, if there is only one project that starts with that character then that project is selected and the menu automatically closes, while if there is more than one project that starts with that character then it will jump to the first project starting with that letter and then await your refinement of that choice. (pro mode only)

An ellipsis (...) preceding an item's title on today's list indicates that it is still too early in the day to start work on the item (because its Earliest Begin Time has not yet arrived). This indicator helps you choose what to start next. (pro mode only)

A "greater than" symbol (>) points at the title of the item scheduled for the current time, appearing to its immediate left. (pro mode only)

The title of the first so many undone items that can be done now are preceded by digits (for example, 1, 2, and 3). These are suggestions of the next three things for you to do. If undone items remain on a previous day, then 1 next to the first item is replaced by a message such as “<<ALERT: Monday has items not done!<<", signaling that the next thing you should consider doing appears a previous day's list. You can control how many items are numbered with the Maximum Focus Now Items setting in Other Settings... set it to 0 to defeat the appearance of the numbers and the potential message). (pro mode only)

The item's title appears in a text color and background color as set in Colors Settings (from the Settings menu), allowing you to customize how normal items, flexible date items, memo items and done items look. If an item is marked Done, its background is a different color (as set in Colors Settings), and a strikethrough appears through its title (if you have selected Strikethrough Through Done Items in Other Settings). You can modify the font and size for the normal text (and the Schedule Statistics) by choosing the Day Views Text Font and/or Day Views Fluid Item Begin Times Font commands in the Screen Fonts submenu of Fonts Settings. More dynamically, you can change the font size temporarily while viewing a day view by clicking the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands (or Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons on the toolbar) (if you press Shift while Zooming In or Out, the text size of the Begin Times changes rather than the item titles). If there is not enough room for the entire title to appear, one line of type appears followed by an ellipsis " ..." to represent the hidden portion of the title.

Recurring items are indicated by an ® symbol to the right of the item title. If the item is an exception to a recurring item, then "[®exception]" appears instead (an exception is an instance of a recurring item whose schedule has been modified from the recurring pattern).

If the item has an alarm set, and alarms have not been suppressed in Other Settings, then "[alarm]" appears to the right of the item's title. If the alarm has already sounded for the day, then "[alarmed]" appears instead. If the alarm is set to snooze (in other words, repeat later that day), then "[alarm:Zzz...10:50a]" appears instead, indicating the time the alarm will sound..

Each item's title is followed by a time in parentheses indicating its duration (for example, "(:20)" for a 20-minute item). Items that are split will appear "(:10/:20)", indicating a 10-minute segment of a 20-minute item. Items that have been started show both the planned duration and the elapsed duration (for example, "(:04<:20)" for a 20-minute item that was started four minutes ago). Split items that have been started look like this: "(:04<:10/:20)". (pro mode only)

Flexible-date items on today's view also display their priority tier and rank to the right of the duration (for example, "A12"). (pro mode only)

Items will also show the expected return to the right of the duration (for example, "$2"), if its Expected Return is greater than $0 and you have selected Expected Returns Active in Other Settings. If the expected return is priceless (9,999,999) then "$priceless" appears instead. (pro mode only)

Items will also show the value of your time in square brackets to the right of the duration (for example, "[$10]"), if you have selected Show Value Of Billable Time in Other Settings and the duration is not zero. (pro mode only)

Flexible-date items that are due today have the warning "[flexible due today]" at the end of the item title.

Flexible items that are currently scheduled such that they won't be ending by their deadline show how late they will end (e.g., "(ending 1:15 late)") to the right of the duration, in red, if you have selected Show How Late Conflicts Will Be in Other Settings. (This will not appear on printouts.)

Finally, if the item has a Note, the Note icon appears at the extreme right of the row, and if you click the icon you can view or edit the Note.

Gaps in the schedule between events also show their durations. You can hide gaps of less than five minutes by choosing Other Settings > Hide Gaps of Less Than 5 Minutes.

Navigating the view using alphabet keys:
Besides the usual scrolling keys, you can move to the next undone item on the list that starts with a particular letter of the alphabet by typing alphabet keys: pressing any key from a to z selects the next undone item on the view that begins with that letter. Pressing the letter again selects the next, possibly wrapping around to the top of the list.

Related Topics
Introducing TimeTo
Other Settings
My Multiple Day View/Multiple Day View

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