Portfolio » Second hand smoke campaign

Second hand smoke campaign


“Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool.” – anonymous

We worked with Health Canada’s Tobacco Control Program to develop a series of communications products in support of smoking cessation, and specifically in the area of second-hand smoke and the teenage audience.

David’s earlier work as a strategic consultant and art director for the design of Health Canada’s public Web site and intranet, as well as numerous print assignments for the department over the past ten years, led to specific work on the Blue Ribbon Ribbon Campaign against second-hand smoke.

The first initiative was to develop the Blue Ribbon motif and write and design the public Web site for the Blue Ribbon campaign.

Health Canada Blue Ribbon Web presence home page

Specifically for the high school audience, we chose the tactic of deputizing outside parties to bring the message back from peers and in a language that would resonate for them.

This began with producing an original rap song to be used as part of a music video for the same audience. [ Hear the rap in English (mp3) | Hear the rap in French (mp3) | Hear the rap backing track (mp3) ]

This song then became an integral part of the multimedia Smokefree Spaces Activist Toolkit CD-ROM we developed (using Macromedia Director) to teach activist youth how to get together with others and take action against second-hand smoke. Our approach to developing this product included testing of concept and usability of information architecture and graphic design with youth from several provinces, as well as hiring a 16-year-old to help edit all text intended for the teenage audience.

Smokefree Spaces Activist Toolkit English home pageSmokefree Spaces CD-ROM (English home page, video screenshot)

We also developed packaging for this product, including CD surface design for the twin Windows/Macintosh CD-ROM and a descriptive CD carrier.

Smokefree spaces CD-ROM Case and CD

To help teachers use the CD-ROM in the classroom, we also wrote and adapted a bilingual Facilitator’s Guide for the CD-ROM.

Smokefree Spaces Facilitator’s Guide [View PDF of Smokefree Spaces Facilitator’s Guide Click to download Seven Habits of Highly Effective Web Sites article

We have also designed and produced other products for the campaign, including Blue Ribbon enamel lapel pins and Blue Ribbon tattoos.
Smoke-free Spaces Motivators: Order Form (PDF, 385K)Click to download Seven Habits of Highly Effective Web Sites article

We also developed stickers that students can print on their own laser printers, using store-bought pre-cut Avery labels.

Blue Ribbon sticker (English)

Blue Ribbon self-print stickers [Get the English sticker PDF | Get the French sticker PDF]

Our popular blue ribbon design has also been adopted in Japan for the country’s “I Love Clean Air” campaign.

We also developed downloadable wallpapers for both Windows and Macintosh computers.

Blue Ribbon campaign desktop wallpaper design A

Blue Ribbon campaign desktop wallpaper design B

Blue Ribbon Wall papers

We used other media to target other audiences as well. For instance, the Y2Quit screen saver developed for medical professionals, demonstrates our ability to develop screen saver for both Windows and Macintosh platforms, as well as the installers and online presence to go with them.

Sample screen shot for Y2Quit screen saver






Y2Quit screen saver(sample screens)

We developed Flash animations for the adult audience which could both live on the Web as well as be attached to e-mail.

Detail from lung cancer interactive animationLung cancer interactive Flash animation [View English interactive (requires Flash) | View French interactive (requires Flash)]

Natal and Pre-natal interactive Flash animation [View English interactive (requires Flash) | View French interactive (requires Flash)]

Future plans include stickers for cars, bedrooms and home, and a kite for younger children.


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