David Berman Communications
David Berman will help you repeat your successes

April 2006

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– “Successful Management of Web Site Projects” seminar in Ottawa June 15
– “Effective Time Management: Designing Your Life” seminar in Ottawa June 8
– David to present “Weapons of Mass Deception: Design & Social Responsibility” in Manizales, Colombia
– 10,000th download of TimeTo for Windows
– Inter Pares introduces e-cards
– 21 years in business April 1st (no foolin’!)
– Recent interviews and publications
– Other upcoming event dates
“Your course was great. It changed completely the way I’m now managing my work.” – Diane Lefebvre, Web Developer, Canada Revenue Agency


At David’s most popular seminar, you’ll learn the essential principles and tools for delivering effective Web projects on time, on budget, and on strategy.

Get to know ‘The System’ that Canada’s largest government agencies are using for planning and renewing Web sites. David Berman’s process addresses project management issues specific to the Web, resulting in quality control, quality assurance, and continuous improvement. For more on this 6.5-hour investment that pays off in weeks, visit https://davidberman.com/seminars/websuccess.php .

Plus: for the June 15 seminar, you will receive:
– a comprehensive manual
(view the first section of this seminar’s manual, so you can start without us:
https://davidberman.com/WebSuccessManualSampleSection.pdf )
– complimentary continental breakfast and full lunch, snacks and beverages throughout
– a thirty-minute personal coaching tele-session with David within a month of the seminar
– the option to attend the seminar again in the future, as a refresher, at no cost
– a money-back guarantee: if, after coaching and a refresher, you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund your entire registration fee.

“Exceptionally good instructor – very well presented. Kept the course interesting and funny, while educational.” – Jesse Flowers, Statistics Canada

“David is an exceptional facilitator and extremely knowledgeable in the field. It is nice to walk out with new ways to approach Web management.” – Jane Hawksworth, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC

Get the registration form now, at https://davidberman.com/SeminarRegistrationForm.pdf or call (613) 728-6777. Seating is limited.
“I feel as if I will be on a talk show in a few years from now talking about how David Berman helped me to design my life.”
– Drury Stratly, Calgary AB


This seminar isn’t just another time management course: it’s a way to get what you want out of life. Join David for a full day as he shows you how you can start designing the rest of your life today. You’ll immediately begin easing your scheduling stress by learning:
– how to plan steps towards extraordinary goals into your day-to-day routine
– fresh and simple techniques to manage your most challenging priorities
– how to get more accomplished in less time
– how to find balance amongst clutter, and turn intent into action
– how to use leading-edge technology to help you continue achieving great outcomes every day forward (and you’ll get a complimentary copy of TimeTo for Windows too!)
For details on this full-day seminar, click https://davidberman.com/seminars/timemanage.php .

“Thanks again for the time management course, it taught me to be happy with whatever I can possibly achieve in a day and not run myself down. I am much happier since that course both at work and at home. I even found time to sign up for Good Life and I go three times a week!” – Daniela Rusu, Natural Resources Canada

Plus: for the June 8 seminar each participant will receive:
– a comprehensive manual
– a full professional license to TimeTo for Windows, the world’s best to-do list management software (worth US$149)
– complimentary continental breakfast and full lunch, snacks and beverages throughout
– a thirty-minute personal coaching tele-session with David within a month of the seminar
– the option to attend the seminar again in the future, as a refresher, at no cost
– a money-back guarantee: if, after coaching and a refresher, you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund your entire registration fee.

“Great! Logical, sensible.” – Doug Samuel, Hear & See, Ottawa

Get the registration form now, at https://davidberman.com/SeminarRegistrationForm.pdf or call (613) 728-6777. Seating is limited.

On April 18, David will be keynoting at the Festival Internacional de la Imagen 2006 in Manizales, Colombia. David will present his celebrated talk, “Weapons of Mass Deception: Design & Social Responsibility” ( https://davidberman.com/seminars/howlogo.php ). For registration and more information, please visit the Universidad de Caldas’ site at http://www.festivaldelaimagen.com .

If you have any advice for David on his first trip to South America, please write us!

Also, if you would like David to appear anywhere else while he is en route or in the area, please contact us promptly, as the travel itinerary will soon be finalized.

Over 10,000 people have downloaded TimeTo for Windows charityware, with registrants in 17 countries, and download.com reviewers have given the software nothing but five stars. To stay up-to-date on new features and announcements, subscribe to the TimeTo bulletin at https://davidberman.com/subscribe . Stop procrastinating! Get your trial or learn more at http://www.timeto.org and start turning intent into action.

Our latest work on the Inter Pares’ Web site integrates e-cards, with an option to donate to support the great work they do promoting international social justice. To send a postcard over the Web featuring some great photography and a worthwhile message, visit http://www.interpares.ca/ecard .

David will be in Winnipeg, Manitoba on May 12 for a full-day seminar with a client.

David will be in Montreal, Quebec April 28-30 for the Icograda board meeting.

David will be in Seattle, Washington approximately July 9-15 for Icograda Design Week.

If you’d like to book an engagement while David’s in your neighbourhood, or en route, let us know now before travel plans are finalized so you can save on travel expenses.

…to Amy Chow and everyone at the Hong Kong Design Association for hosting the Icograda Design Week this past January. It was a thrill to give a talk twelve time zones from home, but even better was to get a taste of the hospitality and vitality where East meets West. Hong Kong is such an amazing place: a city that is as tall as it is wide, with entire skyscrapers sided with animated graphics and a buzz of activity that makes Manhattan seem calm; while at the same time radiating efficiency and chaotic balance. It was both overwhelming and inspiring. And also a special thank you to Sam the Tailor (suit-maker to the stars) for the fantastic black linen suit!

It was an honour to meet you all: hoping to see you again in Asia very soon!…

Amongst the many insightful responses to David’s recent presentation of our seminar “Accessibility: Liberate Your Web Site” in Oslo, was from Helge Tennø. Here’s an excerpt:

“…I do not shower in hot or cold water
Personally I’ve become very wary of people who present their arguments in isolation from debate (I’m sure you would have preferred a debate with the audience, unfortunately there were none)…Things are never black and white and I think it would be fruitful to be more nuanced. As an example I was looking for some understanding regarding the “fact” that some of the changes forced by accessibility would not benefit everybody…”
To read Helge’s full review, we encourage you to visit https://davidberman.com/seminars/accessibility.php#youspeak .

And if you’ve got something to say, please e-mail us at youspeak@davidberman.com .

Yep, another year of helping get great things done. Thank you to everyone who helps sustain us and improve what we do, year after year.

Read our collection of interviews and publications at https://davidberman.com/about/publications.php , including this latest addition:

– “GDC Member Elected to Icograda Board” / “Canada Commended for Contributions to Icograda” from the GDC National Newsletter Fall/Winter 2005

Weapons of Mass Deception: Design and Social Responsibility https://davidberman.com/seminars/howlogo.php
Lecture on the role of visual communicators in helping to repair the World.
Manizales (Colombia): April 18 | Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina): June 2006 (tentative) | Mumbai (India): June 2006 (tentative)

Strategic Time Management for Professionals: Designing Your Life https://davidberman.com/seminars/timemanage.php
Want to leave the office earlier? See what happens when you apply David’s results-oriented project strategy to your own life: give us a day and we’ll turn your intentions into action.
Ottawa (Canada): June 8, 2006

Successful Management of Web Site Projects https://davidberman.com/seminars/websuccess.php
Learn “The System” for bringing in Web projects on time, on budget, and on target.
Ottawa (Canada): June 15, 2006

Effective Web Information Design: Creating Sites That Matter https://davidberman.com/seminars/interfacesuccess.php
David shows you how to arrange your content meaningfully to your audience, sharing his success as a senior design consultant to some of Canada’s largest sites.
Ottawa (Canada): July 20, 2006

Principles of Graphic Design for Electronic Publishing https://davidberman.com/seminars/designprinciples.php
Two-day seminar on how to influence your audiences on all channels, using excellent graphic design and the latest technologies.
Ottawa (Canada): September 20-21, 2006

Developing Your Project Strategy https://davidberman.com/seminars/projectstrategysuccess.php
David demystifies the complete path to developing your plan to save money, lower stress, save time, and yield great lasting outcomes from communications projects.
Ottawa (Canada): October 19, 2006

Accessibility: Liberate Your Web Site https://davidberman.com/seminars/accessibility.php
Learn how accessibility will broaden your audience, and how to make your site more useful for everyone.
Ottawa (Canada): November 9, 2006

Perfecting Your Web Strategy https://davidberman.com/seminars/strategysuccess.php
Two-day seminar on how to apply a proven step-by-step strategic process to get remarkable business results from any Web project.
Ottawa (Canada): December 6-7, 2006

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Web Sites https://davidberman.com/seminars/sevenhabitsweb.php
Learn the seven pivotal ingredients that can get the outcomes you deserve from your Web presence.
Your town (your country): your next event needing a keynote that both informs and entertains.
If you’re planning an event and yearning for something different, captivating and effective, jump-start your group with this keynote, followed by a facilitated workshop specific to your group’s issues.

For other seminars and dates, please consult https://davidberman.com/seminars/schedule.php .

Are our event dates inconvenient for you? Can’t wait? If you’d rather bring us on-site, please call!

To read earlier newsletters, change your address, or subscribe if you’re reading someone else’s copy, visit https://davidberman.com/subscribe .

You are receiving this occasional e-newsletter because you or your organization requested to be kept informed of news regarding upcoming David Berman Communications events. We never send unsolicited e-mail, period. If we have included you in error, or you would prefer to not receive future e-newsletters, please e-mail newsletter@davidberman.com (or cancel your subscription at https://davidberman.com/subscribe ) and we will make sure your e-mail address is obliterated from our list: we promise!
David Berman Communications
340 Selby Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2A 3X6
Call: +1-613-728-6777 or (800) 665-1809 Fax: +1-613-482-4777
E-mail: newsletter@davidberman.com
MSN Messenger and Skype: by request

Please re-distribute this newsletter to anyone you think would enjoy it, in its complete and original form only. Our e-newsletters are intentionally distributed in non-HTML format to guarantee that everyone can read them. Copyright 2006 David Berman Developments Inc. All rights reserved. David Berman Communications is a trademark of David Berman Developments Inc.

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Reviewed April 2, 2006

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