Canada’s Parliament has published their first draft of Canada’s first federal accessibility act, Bill C-81. We’ve studied every word of it, and are working with others on recommendations to improve the bill.
We are growing this collection of documents, to help people who want to go deep:
- Bill C-81 (first reading)
- HTML version of the English Bill C-81 (An act to ensure a barrier-free Canada)
- HTML version of the French Projet de loi C-81 (Loi visant à faire du Canada un pays exempt d’obstacles)
- PDF version of Bill C-81 (bilingual, inaccessible)
- Accessible PDF version of English Bill C-81 (accessible by Parliament of Canada)
- Word version of the English of Bill C-81, provided by Parliament of Canada (limited accessibility) [to be posted]
- Word version of the French of Bill C-81, provided by Parliament of Canada (limited accessibility) [to be posted]
- The plain language version of Bill C-81, written by Parliament of Canada
- United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) (of which Canada is a “State Party”)
- United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD (“accessible” PDF by UN)
- Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 35 of the Convention: Canada (PDF accessibility to be tested)
- HTML version of The Government of Canada tables the Optional Protocol to the UNCRPD (news release)
- HTLM version de Le gouvernement du Canada dépose le Protocole facultatif se rapportant à l’UNCRPD (Communiqué de presse)
- UNCRPD List of issues in relation to the initial report of Canada (PDF accesssibilty to be tested)
- UNCRPD Concluding Observations on the initial report of Canada (PDF accessibility to be tested)
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
- CHRC The Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Equality and Non-Discrimination: Monitoring the Implementation of the UNCRPD in Canada (PDF accessibility to be tested)
We welcome your suggestions and help to add more!
Reviewed July 26, 2018