Done w/ Earlier End Time (pro mode only)

Instead of using the Done! command, you may wish to use the Done w/ Earlier End Time command (from the Advanced Timekeeping submenu of the Edit menu, or press Shift+Spacebar) to indicate that you finished the item immediately after the item most recently done. TimeTo™ marks the item done and, if on today, sets the Began time so that the item begins immediately after the end of the next most recently done item (if no other items have been marked Done today, then the begin time moves to the beginning of the Day Bounds).

If the item had a Set Start Time and had not been Started, and there are other items already done on the day, the item's Start Time is changed so that the item appears immediately following the previous done item (it is this behavior that differentiates this command from the Done! command).

Otherwise, this command works identically to the Done! command.

Related Topics
Done w/ Current End Time
Done & Fill Gap
Start & Fill Gap Since Last Done
Hide Done Items
Strikethroughs Through Done Items
Record Failed Attempt
Done For Now & Finish Later

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