Use the Printouts Settings command to customize the content and orientation of your printouts, as well as selecting which printouts will be included in your My Printouts.
Use the Include Report In Print My Printouts checkboxes to designate which printouts will be included when you Print My Printouts (either from the Print submenu of TimeTo's File menu, by pressing Ctrl+P, or by clicking the My Printouts icon on the toolbar). You can include any or all of the ten choices.
Please read the Print My
Printouts help topic for more advice on how
to further configure TimeTo™ to make optimal use
of this feature.
Include Notes: Specify whether any Notes related to items should be included on printed Day Views, and, if so, whether each note appears With Item (following each item), or appear At End Of Day (grouped with all other notes for the day). Click the Box Notes checkbox if you'd like a thin box to be drawn around each Note.
Portrait/Landscape: Specify the orientation of printed Day Views.
Include Undone Items Only: For printed Day Views of only today's items, check this box if you'd only like to include undone items in the list.
Range of Days:
From: Designate the beginning of the range, by choosing either Today (which will change every day) or an absolute date.
To: Designate the end of the range, by choosing either Number Of Days or an absolute date.
Skip Empty Days: Check this option to not have days included in the printout that have no items scheduled on them.
Layout: Specify whether the Layout should limit each page to your preferred Maximum Days A Page (which you can set to 1 to have each page appear on its own day) or choose Fill Pages to cram in as many days on each printed page as can fit.
Choose the Page 1 setting Specify
whether Printouts of the Priority View will include
only one pageful of items with the highest priority
(Page 1) or the entire list (All Pages).
For each of the five calendars and lists, designate whether they print in Portrait or Landscape orientation.
Include Private Items In Printouts: Check
this checkbox to have items that are marked Private (Alt+F3,
or choose Private from the Item
Properties submenu of the Edit menu) appear in printouts. If
this box is unchecked, private items will not appear in printouts. Some users
thus will mark certain recurring items as Private to simply unclutter their
There are other places in TimeTo™ where you can designate settings which will affect the content and appearance of your printouts:
Page Setup (from the File menu): allows you specify paper sizes, margins, centering, and two-up option, including presets for ten popular kinds of commercial day planners.
Printer Fonts submenu (from the Fonts Settings submenu of the Settings menu) allows you to control fonts, sizes, and scripts.
Colors Settings (from the Settings menu) allow you to differentiate with color, if using a color printer.
Other Settings (from the Settings menu):
Many of the Other Settings can affect what appears in printouts, including:
Item Detail: No Strikethroughs Through Done Items controls whether strikethroughs appear through done items.
Item Detail: Use More Vertical Space as Duration Rises controls if more vertical space is used for longer items.
The Filters command also affects what appears on Printouts,
giving you a myriad of options for customizing Printouts.
You'll find that some TimeTo™ printouts (such as the Appointment Calendars) elude duplex (double-sided) printing: even if you set your printer to print on both sides of the paper, TimeTo™ is leaving one side blank. This is because when you request a series of calendar pages TimeTo™ actually sends a series of print jobs to the printer, one for each page (you can see this if you look at your print spooler right after printing). The duplexing printer then dutifully prints each print job, starting on the front of a new sheet for each job. If you wish to duplex such reports, an effective solution is to use intervening software such as Fineprint (
Tip: If you would like a less-detailed printout when in Pro Mode, consider temporarily switching to Light Mode before you print.
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