
Use the Find command (from the Navigate menu, or press Ctrl+F, or choose the Find button on the toolbar) to search for an item or project that contains a particular keyword or phrase within its Title or Note.

If you are viewing a list of items, then TimeTo™ searches for matching items (including moving to future or earlier days, as may be appropriate).

If you are on the Projects List, then TimeTo™ instead searches the Titles and/or Notes of all of your projects.

Type the desired word or phrase in either the Item or Note field. Then click the Find Next button to have TimeTo™ search forward (or the Find Previous button to have TimeTo™ search backward) and highlight the first item or project it finds that contains what you are searching for. In a chronological list (such as Day View), Find Next searches forward in time from the first item following the currently highlighted item (and Find Previous searches backward from the first item before the highlighted item). For non-chronological lists (such as Alphabetical View or Priority View), the search goes down or up from the first item preceding or following the highlighted item respectively. You can repeatedly click the Find Next or Find Previous buttons in order to continue to search forward or backwards for additional occurrences.

If you are in the Month View, TimeTo switches you to Day View as soon as it finds something, so that you can next view or edit the properties of the found item.


If you type something in both the Item and the Notes field, then TimeTo™ will find items (or projects) that satisfy either of those conditions.

Don't put quotation marks (") around what you are searching for, unless you want TimeTo™ to only search for phrases that include those punctuation marks.

The search is not case-sensitive: TimeTo™ will match results whether they are in lower case or upper case.

You can search again using the Find Next command or Find Previous command. Since TimeTo™ remembers the last text you searched for, Find Next and Find Previous are handy ways to search without having to bother seeing the Find dialog.

If you wish to see all results at once for Title matches, rather than one at a time, instead use the Filters command and specify the text you seek in its Title field. Choosing the Alphabetical View with the Filters command will allow you to see all matches in one list. This approach also gives you additional flexibility: you can specify more than one word for which any match will yield the result, more than one non-consecutive word that must appear, or specify which words cannot appear.


Related Topics
Find Next
Find Previous
Alphabetical View

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