Flexible Date (pro mode only)

Choose the Flexible Date command (from the Edit Properties submenu of the Edit menu, or F2) to change any undone highlighted item on any Day View or multiple day view from Set Date to Flexible Date or vice versa.

If the item had a Set Date, this command changes it to Flexible Date instead. The item will have no Earliest Begin Date or Deadline (unless the item already had an Earliest Begin or Deadline when it was possibly a Flexible Date at some earlier point), and thus can now potentially be rescheduled to another date by Balance All Days or other commands on the Balance menu.

If the item had a Flexible Date, this command changes it to Set Date, choosing the date that the item is currently scheduled upon. The item still retains any Earliest Begin Date or Deadline it may have had, but these are greyed out, and only matter again should you switch the item back to Flexible Date at some point.

A checkmark to the left of the Flexible Date command indicates the item's present status: a checkmark indicates a Flexible Date, while no checkmark indicates a Set Date.


Related Topics
Balance Settings
Balance All Days
Balance Day
Bring Forward Past Undones To This Day

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