Bring Forward Past Undones To This Day

Use the Bring Forward Past Undones To This Day command (from the Balance menu, or click the icon in the toolbar) to move undone, unstarted, non-memo items without Set Start Times on past days forward (as well as to delete or to shift recurring items that have their Bring Forward Action set to "Delete Instance" or "Shift Recurring Start Date"). (Even items that are memo items or have Set Start Times will be deleted if their Bring Forward Action is set to "Delete Instance" or "Shift Recurring Start Date".)

If the viewed day is in the past, today, or tomorrow, the items are moved to today (or the next day allowed by the item's flexible date and/or fluid date settings).

If the viewed day is beyond tomorrow in the future, the items are moved to that day.

Tip: You can have this command automatically invoked daily by choosing Automatically Bring Forward to Today (at launch, midnight, or exit)
in Other Settings.

Tip: If instead of bringing items forward you wish to push today's undone items into the future, there are a few ways to accomplish this:
Method 1: Choose Balance Settings (from the Settings menu) and set the Keep Clear Dates to today's date. The next time the Balance All Days command is executed, all fluid items schedules today that are not due today will be pushed into the future.
Method 2: Repeatedly choose the Lighten Load command (from the Balance menu).

Related Topics
Other Settings
Automatically Bring Forward to Today (at launch, midnight, or exit)

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