Time Zones Settings (pro mode only)

Use Time Zone Settings to customize which time zones are available in TimeTo™. TimeTo™ arrives with 30 time zones (representing 24 time zones plus 6 zones that are exceptional due to half-hour offset or uncommon daylight saving time rules), which you can edit as you see fit.

Note: If you installed TimeTo™ prior to November 2005, you may only have 21 time zones: if so, you can expand that to up to 30 time zones by following the insructions in the power tip at the end of this help topic.

Time Zone To Edit: Choose the time zone whose properties you wish to edit, or that you wish to rename. If you wish to rename the time zone, type a new name of up to 30 characters for the selected time zone directly into the Time Zone To Edit field and click OK (you will have to then choose Time Zone Settings again if you wish to make further changes). Tip: if you plan to have many time zones appear at the bottom of the Main Window, then you way wish to keep your time zone names quite short to help them fit.

Hours West Of Greenwich Mean Time: Type the number of hours that the zone zone differs from Greenwich Mean Time (Greenwich is just outside of London, England). You can type the number of hours as a positive number (hours West of GMT) or a negative number (hours East of GMT) and TimeTo™ will convert it for you. For instance, Paris is either -1 hour or 23 hours from Greenwich Mean Time. TimeTo™ displays your local time directly below this field, so if you are selecting your own time zone, simply put this value into the field (the above example shows a user who is in the North American Eastern time zone (such as New York or Toronto) who is setting up the time zone for Paris).

Daylight Saving Time Rules For Selected Time Zone: Set the rules for daylight saving time (also known as "British Summer Time" in the UK) for the time zone. If Daylight Saving Time is not used in the time zone, check the Same Time All Year Round checkbox. Otherwise, specify the day each year when clocks are set forward an hour and when clocks are st back one hour.

Tip: Don't know the time zone or daylight saving time rules for a certain place? Look up the desired location at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ .


To have a clock for any number of your time zones appear at the bottom of the main window, confirm that the World Clocks/Stock Ticker checkbox in Other Settings is checked, then go to World Clock/Stock Ticker Settings (from the Settings menu) and select whichever time zones you wish to appear in it.

Travel tip: If travelling from one time zone to another, and taking your TimeTo™ with you (on a laptop or USB drive), you can leave your TimeTo™ in your home time zone or change it to your temporary time zone. If you wish to change to your temporary time zone, double-click on the clock in the bottom right corner of your Windows display, choose the Time Zone tab, select the new time zone, then click the Apply button. TimeTo™ will automatically react to the new time (you don't have to leave or restart TimeTo™).

Power tip: If you wish to edit all your time zones more quickly, change the number of time zones (to a maximum of 30), or easily change their order (as changing their order using the above interface involves renaming each by hand, which can be arduous), you can use a text editor such as Notepad to directly edit the file TimeZone.lst (which lives in your TimeTo folder). If you are planning to try this, please make a backup of the file first. The structure of each row is identical, containing these data elements:


Fun tip: Lots of information about the World's least conventional time zones: http://www.worldtimezone.com/faq.html

Related Topics
Customizing TimeTo
World Clocks/Stock Ticker Settings
Other Settings

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