New Anniversary Memo Item (pro mode only)

Choose the New Anniversary Memo Item command (from the Insert menu, or press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert) to add an annual memo reminding you of an anniversary.

Like other memo items, the anniversary memo has no begin time and no duration.


When you create or edit an anniversary memo item, TimeTo™ presents a special memo item properties window specifically for annual memo items. This dialog differs from the one used for normal memo items with these fields:

Date: Specify the date of the anniversary, in any year. (You can specify the year the original event took place, as long as the date is not before 1986, as TimeTo™ cannot store dates earlier than 1986.)


Tip: Use the {Count Up} variable in the title of an anniversary memo item to keep track of which year is being celebrated. For example, if you set the Date to this year's occurrence of the anniversary and that occurence will be the 10th anniversary, and you type the title as "We celebrate anniversary{count up 10} today!", then on the date the title will appear in views as "We celebreate anniversary 10 today!", next year it will show "We celebrate anniversary 11 today!" and so on. Furthermore, since {Count Up} with a number counts from the Date, if you have set the Date field to the original date of the event, then you can simply say {Count Up} in the title and TimeTo will correctly show the correct count automatically.

Tip: If you'd like a reminder every day for so many days in advance of the anniversary ever year (to help remind you send a card or plan an event), click the Alarm button and then set Daily Reminders On Other Days to the number of days warning you'd like. (For some, this could prove to be TimeTo™ most valued feature!).


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