Viewed Day Turnover Score (pro mode only)

Choose the Viewed Day Turnover Score command (from the Statistics submenu of the Report menu, or press Ctrl+Y) to help give you a sense of what the viewed day represents in terms of your efforts to chip away at your entire heap of things to do.

The statistical window first provides a count for the viewed day of the total time for item completed and not completed, categorized by project. The record includes every project for which at least one item associated with the project appears on the viewed day, and includes total time for completed items and uncompleted items.

The statistical windows also provides a breakdown of completed and not completed items based on when the items were added to your schedule, broken down by:

1:00 done, 3:30 not done: Each time total also shows the total of items completed and not completed.

This can help give you a sense of how much of your work is made up activities that arise on a daily basis, compared to those that were planned for in the past, as well as how many of them are routine (as recurring items often are).

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Projects Tree
Week/Month Turnover Score

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