Set Address Book

Use the Set Address Book command (from TimeTo's Tools menu) to see or change which external program TimeTo™ uses for the Address Book command that is on TimeTo's Tools menu.

TimeTo™ ships with the default setting of "wab.exe" for user of Windows XP or earlier. This results in the Windows Address Book (which is included by Microsoft within all versions of Windows) to be the address book that TimeTo™ will use for its Address Book command.

If you have a preferred address book or contact manager installed on your computer that you would rather use, then change the "Path to folder or file:" from "wab.exe" to the full path and filename of the address book program installed on your computer that you would prefer to use.

For example, if you would like Google Contacts to be your Address Book, repace "wab.exe" with "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe".

Or to use Microsoft Outlook 2010, you can set TimeTo™ to refer to Outlook's address book, by replacing "wab.exe" with "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\outlook.exe  /select Outlook:Contacts" (...and you can avoid having to retype this long phrase by cutting and pasting it directly from this help file).

If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2013, use "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\outlook.exe /select Outlook:Contacts".

If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2007, use "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\outlook.exe /select Outlook:Contacts".

If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2003, use "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\outlook.exe /select Outlook:Contacts".

If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2002, use "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\outlook.exe /select Outlook:Contacts".

If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2000, use "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\outlook.exe /select Outlook:Contacts" instead.

These examples assume a 32-bit operating system or a 64-bit version of Microsoft Office: if you are using Windows 8, or a 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows Vista, and any 32-bit version of Microsoft Office, replace "Program Files" with "Program Files (x86)".

These examples also assume an English language version of Windows: for example, in the German edition of Windows, replace "Program Files" with "Programme".)


If the Address Book command does not launch your address book correctly, first double-check that the file you have specified exists by locating it using Windows Explorer. If it does exist, try typing that same string of characters into the Windows Run command (from your Windows Start menu) in order to confirm that that is indeed the command that will launch your address book correctly.


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Using TimeTo™ with Microsoft Outlook

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