Countdown Timer

Use the Countdown Timer (from the Tools menu, or press Shift+D) to time any event. You set the amount of time, and TimeTo™ will show the elapsed time and then sound an alarm when time is up. You can continue to use other TimeTo™ features (except the Stopwatch) while the Countdown Timer is running.

Set the Hours:Minutes and/or Seconds of time you would like to count down from. TimeTo suggest the values you set the last time you used the Countdown Timer.

Click the Start button to start the timer. (Click the button again at any time while the timer is running to restart the timer counting down from the original time). So, for instance, if are a fan of David Allen's 2-minute rule, you can simply press Shift+D then Alt+2 to start a two-minute timer.

Click the 2-Minute Start or 5-Minute Start buttons as a shorthand way to set and start the clock for these common times with one click. (Tip: These two times are given special status because they are especially useful for devotees of David Allen's GTD techniques and/or David Berman's Plan Or Be Planned practises.)

When the timer passes zero, the alarm sound (as set in Alarms Settings) will sound (unless you check Suppress Alarms in Alarms Settings). The alarm will repeat continuously (if the sound is less than one second long it will instead repeat once per second) for a minute (then repeat every second minute thereafter) until you click Stop, unless you have the Suppress Alarm Repeats setting checked in Alarms Settings in which case it will sound only once. As well, if you had minimized the Countdown Timer window, the window pops up when the timer passes zero.

Click the Stop button to stop the timer, and to stop the alarm if it is sounding.

Click the Sound Test button if you would like to hear a simulation of what the alarm will sound like or confirm that your computer's volume is set appropriately.

Tip: If you'd like to Start an item and also launch a Countdown Timer equal to the item's duration, choose the Start With Countdown Timer command instead.

Related Topics
Start With Countdown Timer

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