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Plain Language/Design

Early in his career, David developed a lasting interest in plain writing and information design.

This led to a focus on many projects involving how clearer writing and design can create a better world, including a paper for the Prime Minister’s office on a system to republish the laws of Canada using plain writing and design.

Proudly, as of Spring 2011, the first legislation has been published following our recommendations. Though many compromises had to occur along the way, we’re proud to have reached this point. Here is one example of the legislation published in the new format (PDF, limited accessibility, link will open in a new tab). You can see more by visiting the Justice Laws Website.

Notable assignments involving plain design include:

Supporting material(s):

Toward a New Format for Canadian Legislation by David Berman [701 KB]

Results of Usability Testing Research on Plain Language Draft Sections of the Employment Insurance Act [307 KB]

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