David Berman Communications
David Berman will help you repeat your successes

February 2004

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– David speaks at Qatar’s first design conference
– “Weapons of Mass Deception” lecture in London, England
– Other new upcoming event dates
– Online News: David Berman Communications new Web site now online
– Seminar participants speak

As part of the Tasmeem Doha Design Conference, at the University of Virginia in Doha, Qatar, David will lecture and provide workshops on graphic design, social responsibility and ethics at Qatar’s much anticipated first-ever design conference: “A free conference exploring the potential of design within a growing society.”

At this conference David participation will include presenting “Weapons of Mass Deception: Graphic Design & Social Responsibility” as well as running two workshops: “Solving Everyday Ethical Dilemmas in a Designer’s Life” and “Designing With a Purpose: The Role of Strategy in The Creative Process”.

For descriptions of the events, click https://davidberman.com/seminars or go to the conference Web site for more information or registration at http://www.tasmeemdoha2004.info/eng_index.html … or contact us.

If you would like David to provide any other training or consultation while he is in the region, please contact us promptly.

“Over 95% of the graphic designers who have ever lived are alive today. Together, visual communicators have the power to define what professionalism in the design field will be about: helping increase market share or helping repair the world.”

On Friday February 20, 2004, at 2:30pm, David will speak at The London Institute’s London College of Printing about graphic design and social responsibility.

In his lecture, David will address these questions: Are we aware of the influence we wield as professional communicators in the new economics of global messaging? And once we do, where lies our responsibility, our opportunity, our ethics, our culpability, our balance?

To view a poster of the event please click https://davidberman.com\BermanLondon20040220poster.pdf . For a deeper description of the talk, click https://davidberman.com/seminars/howlogo.php . For more information on this free event, please contact Ian Noble at i.noble@lcp.linst.ac.uk or contact us.

If you would like David to show up anywhere else while he is in Europe, please contact us promptly.

Weapons of Mass Deception: Graphic Design and Social Responsibility https://davidberman.com/seminars/howlogo.php
One hour lecture (followed by Q&A) on graphic design and social responsibility.
Next lectures: London (UK) February 20, Doha (Qatar) February 24, Ljubljana (Slovenia) May 13, 2004

Developing Your Web Strategy https://davidberman.com/seminars/strategysuccess.php
Two-day seminar on how to apply the strategic process to get remarkable business results from any Web project.
Next two-day seminars: March 3-4, May 5-6 and July 7-8, 2004, Ottawa, ON

Successful Management of Web Site Projects https://davidberman.com/seminars/websuccess.php
One-day overview that will teach you “The System” for bringing in Web projects on time, on budget, and on target.
Next seminars: February 18, March 17, May 19, June 16 and July 21, 2004, Ottawa, ON

Effective Web Interface Design https://davidberman.com/seminars/interfacesuccess.php
One-day seminar on effectively applying information architecture and graphic design principles to yield sites audiences return to often.
Next seminars: March 23, May 28 and July 30, 2004, Ottawa, ON
For other seminars and dates, please consult www.davidberman.com/seminars/schedule.php

Our new Web site launched this month … at the same old address: https://davidberman.com . All old links are still honoured. If you have a moment, your feedback is most welcome on how we can further improve it.

TimeTo for Windows, the to do list manager that reflects the philosophy taught in David’s time management course, is now available for download as charityware. For more information and download instructions, go to http://www.timewise.net/timeto.htm .

“Hearing him speak was inspirational, energizing and seriously cathartic. (I am) excited about the next project now!”
-Cam MacQuarrie, Calgary AB

“Pretty near perfect for my needs!”
– Anita Mitchell, Winnipeg, MB

Comma magazine (Lebanon) article about David Berman

Click to access CommaBermanArticle.pdf

I Have An Idea online magazine (Canada) interview with David Berman

Applied Arts magazine (Canada) interview with David Berman

Click to access AppliedArtsBermanInterview.pdf


… to the Association for Manitoba Archivists and everyone else who helped with the sold-out Developing Your Web Strategy seminar in Winnipeg on February 13. Our hosts were highly organized and gracious, to everyone’s appreciation. We look forward to being in Winnipeg again soon!

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David Berman Communications
340 Selby Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2A 3X6
Call (613) 728-6777
Fax: (613) 482-4777
E-mail: info@davidberman.com
MSN Messenger by request

This information may be freely re-distributed, in its complete and original form only. Copyright 2004 David Berman Developments Inc. All rights reserved. David Berman Communications is a trademark of David Berman Developments Inc.

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Reviewed February 2, 2004

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